
Hidrae brings steaming folkmusic with powerful melodies, beautiful timbres and well-thought-out arrangements. This five-headed band consists of: Hilke Bauweraerts on diatonic accordion & vocals, Bart Van Troyen on Flemish bagpipes & baroque musette, Malicorne Buysse on violin & cello, Thomas Hoste on electro-acoustic alto hurdy gurdy and Robbe Desmet on electric bass guitar. 

On the one hand Hidrae stands for a big shot of adrenaline and on the other for a portion of blissful serotonin. Therefore they not only make the dancer move, but also resonate within the listener.

In the spring of 2020 the first CD with the melodious title “Hydraulic” was released. The CD contains 11 compositions matured on stage and he received great comments everywhere. Recently we released a few new singles and we are currently busy preparing a new full CD!